With so much inspiration and information available to us these days online and on social media - without the beautifully shot home magazines and incredible boutique shops (when we could shop in person!) added into the mix, you might be wondering why you would hire a designer in the first place...
For even the most creative and style-savvy, hiring an interior designer can help you make that project come to life. You might have a moodboard that you love but are struggling to execute, or don't want to waste hours (read: days) scouring the web for the perfect chair or lamp to then only be worried about whether it's the right choice for the space. For all of these worries, a designer can help...
A good designer will be able to see the big picture as well as the smallest detail, ensuring that you space delivers on all fronts, this is especially important when taking on whole house renovations or larger developments as you want to make sure all rooms feel like they're part of the same home.
Unique Ideas
Designers are generally interested in all aspects of creativity and often are "researching" in their spare time or will come across solutions to save for future projects. This can bring a different point of view and find creative ways to solve problems that you may not have thought about.
A fresh perspective
If you're updating a room that's not working for you, you're living the problem and that's an important aspect to convey when you first sit down with your designer. However, a pair of fresh eyes can see a space in a totally new way that you maybe hadn't thought about... although I don't think this is unique to interiors, working on any sort of creative project having someone to bounce ideas off is a must to stop yourself getting lost in your own head!
It seems counter-intuitive to say you'll save money by spending money but it's true! Knowledge of suppliers and in some cases trade discounts can really help to curb your costs and you'll often end up saving more money than you've spent. The insider knowledge also saves money on potentially costly mistakes (having done a few DIY renovations, we've made an awful lot of these on your behalf - you can thank us later)
When to splurge
If you've downloaded our Renovation Top Tips we go into a bit more detail on when to spend and when to save, the execution of a successful design is all down to determining where best to allocate the budget to create the result you want without running out of money before the project is complete.
Source: Unsplash
Added Value
Again with the money, a well-designed space can add £££ to the value of your home (or your new development/buy-to-let property - this goes for investors too!), making the space work for you and problem-solving will mean less work for any potential buyers if you're looking to sell, which equals some extra £££.
Interior design is not only making things look pretty, that's the fun bit! A large proportion of design is making sure your space functions for how you live and that the sofa you've fallen in love with will 1 - work in your space and flow well with the rest of the room and 2 - get through the front door in the first place! The execution of a project is just as important as the conception, this is especially true for highly functional spaces such as kitchens and bathrooms.
Get your lunch-breaks, evenings & weekends back
If you've ever gone through a refurb, you'll know the hours it takes trawling online to find the exact thing you're looking for at the right price. Updating your space can be stressful even before the work starts, we can help you to put the laptop away and start enjoying your evenings again. It's especially frustrating if you're not sure what you're even really looking for in the first place. But don't worry! Delegating doesn't mean losing control and ending up with a house that doesn't feel your home. You work collaboratively with your designer, but they do all the leg work, which I'd say is a win-win.
The project gets finished!
Have you ever tried to update a space, got the big things done but then the enthusiasm wavers or the overwhelm takes hold and it gets put off or you're left unhappy with the end result? Having a designer on board means you not only get the big-ticket items sorted, but accessories, lighting and styling as well - all in one go! Finishing touches are so important to make a space feel like home and although the best schemes develop over time and grow with you, it means your room is move-in ready and enhances your everyday from the off. Having someone else invested in your project also keeps you accountable.
Hiring an interior designer can be daunting if you've never worked with one in the past, but we're really not that scary and only want you to have the home you've always wanted. If you fancy having a quick chat to see if we might be able to work together - just holla!
Charlotte x